Are you currently enrolled in either of my Core or Intermediate Spatial Data Analysis Courses?
Or perhaps you have prior experience in GIS or tools like R and QGIS?
You don't want to spend 100s and 1000s of dollars on buying commercial software for imagery analysis?
The next step for you is to gain profIciency in satellite remote sensing data analysis.
My course provides a foundation to carry out PRACTICAL, real-life remote sensing analysis tasks in popular and FREE software frameworks with REAL spatial data. By taking this course, you are taking an important step forward in your GIS journey to become an expert in geospatial analysis.
Why Should You Take My Course?
I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I also completed a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation).
In this course, actual satellite remote sensing data such as Landsat from USGS and radar data from JAXA will be used to give a practical hands-on experience of working with remote sensing and understanding what kind of questions remote sensing can help us answer.
This course will ensure you learn & put remote sensing data analysis into practice today and increase your proficiency in geospatial analysis.
Remote sensing software tools are very expensive and their cost can run into thousands of dollars. Instead of shelling out so much money or procuring pirated copies (which puts you at a risk of prosecution), you will learn to carry out some of the most important and common remote sensing analysis tasks using a number of popular, open source GIS tools such as R, QGIS, GRASS and ESA-SNAP. All of which are in great demand in the geospatial sector and improving your skills in these is a plus for you.
This is an introductory course, i.e. we will focus on learning the most important and widely encountered remote sensing data processing and analyzing tasks in R, QGIS, GRASS and ESA-SNAP
You will also learn about the different sources of remote sensing data there are and how to obtain these FREE OF CHARGE and process them using FREE SOFTWARE.
In addition to all the above, you’ll have MY CONTINUOUS SUPPORT to make sure you get the most value out of your investment!
- People with prior expereince of working spatial data
- GIS analysts
- Ecologists
- Forestry and Conservation Practioners
- Geographers
- Geologists
92% off #udemy course #couponcode
#Satellite #Remote Sensing Data #Bootcamp With #Opensource Tools
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