
Wednesday, 24 July 2019

UNSTOPPABLE: Finding Your Greatness Within

Stop. Look around YOU and ask yourself THAT QUESTION.

And then answer the next question:

If the answer is “No”, then the question must be what are you willing to do about it?

UNSTOPPABLE: Finding Your Greatness Within will help you to embrace and own your dreams while taking better action in moving forwards with your purpose-driven goals.
This course provides you with a thrilling personal journey of self-discovery, growth and empowerment that will challenge your thinking, help you to conquer your fears, design powerful habits, and motivate you to create a Master Action Plan Blueprint that will guide you on your ongoing journey towards embracing your success, power, passion and purpose.
The course is ready and waiting for you NOW!
Ready … Set … Go!

Who is this course for?
For those needing to get out of their comfort zone
For those who are off-track with their goals in life
For those experiencing a mid-life crisis
For those who desperately need to find a new sense of direction
For those who are at a place where they want to have more meaningful personal and professional relationships
For those who have become disengaged in their work and relationships,
For those who are looking to find work-life balance

DISCOVER your passion once and for all
GAIN clarity and focus
DEVELOP a new sense of purpose
SHIFT from victim to victory
INCREASE your self-confidence
IMPROVE your self-esteem
ACHIEVE MOMENTUM to move forward
DEVELOP a sense of achievement
CREATE  a sense of empowerment
DEVELOP a better understanding of yourself
LIVE a richer, fuller life

“In order to move forward you must let go of where you are. You cannot move forward and stay in the same place at the same time. And sometimes that means taking a leap into the unknown.” Veronica Hislop

The distance between where you are and your dreams is the ONLY real challenge there is.
So, how do you get from point A (that’s your comfort zone) to point B (your dreams)?

One of the ways to do that is through this simple online course: UNSTOPPABLE: FINDING YOUR GREATNESS WITHIN
This is what graduates have said:
· “I was blown away by this course: UNSTOPPABLE: Finding Your Greatness Within. I thought it was a course just for women - but I soon learned that it is a course for anyone who is not living to their full potential. I learned so much about myself, and to listen to myself and to give myself permission to really explore what I want to do with my life. I learned some simple steps to handle my fear, and I was able to really take a look at one of my serious negative habits, and begin to chip away at developing some different strategies to change my behaviour. This course was deep. Ultimately, it made me look at who I am and what I want to be and do with my life. It was a great way for me to invest in myself. I totally recommend this course for anyone who wants to change themselves and don't know how to start.”
Henry Beckford, Beckford Green Landscaping

“This course held me accountable and helped me to really explore the different ways that I can invest in myself. It gave me so many tools in order for me to get out of my comfort zone. This course really helped me to clearly take action on some things that I was putting off.”
Ken Thomas

If you are someone who is no longer willing to let your dreams and goals die and fall by the wayside; if you are someone who is no longer willing to tolerate mediocrity in your life; if you are willing to take the time to examine who you are at the deepest level and determine what you want for yourself and must have in your life, then UNSTOPPABLE: Finding Your Greatness Within is the course for you.
  • For those needing to get out their Comfort Zone
  • For those who are off track with their goals in life
  • For those who desperately need to find a new sense of direction:
  • e.g. recently retired, recently graduated, experiencing career transition, mid-life crisis, recent divorcee, empty nester

Are you an accomplished talented capable #woman who struggles with Impostor Syndrome?
#Impostor #Syndrome
Your Kickass #Guide to #Recovery
#teachable #course

Impostor Syndrome Your Kickass Guide to Recovery

Are you an accomplished talented capable woman who struggles with Impostor Syndrome?
You know, those feelings of self-doubt, where you question your abilities and performance.
Even if you are successful you feel you don’t deserve it.
It’s a fluke, you just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Does that ever sound like you?
I understand what is happening. I know where you are coming from. I’ve experienced those feelings too.…
If you speak to successful entrepreneurs and people in business they all talk about 80% of the work of entrepreneurship as being mindset the rest being talent, skill and opportunity.
The fact is that if Impostor Syndrome is interfering with you mindset it is interfering in your business:
It affects how you show up
It affects how you promote yourself
It affects how you interact with others
It affects how you manifest abundance
And that affects your bottom line financially
As an entrepreneur myself, entering new territory, taking many new directions in my career, I too have hidden behind the mask of Impostor Syndrome: questioning my abilities, feeling insecure about what I was doing and at times feeling like a fraud...
That is why I have gathered as much information as possible about Impostor Syndromebased on my own experience, skill, expertise and knowledge, as well as the experience of the many clients I have worked with over the years, I share these tips, and tools, with you here today. 

In this course Impostor SyndromeYour Kickass Guide to Recovery You will learn EXACTLY what you can do to turn those Impostor Syndrome feelings around once and for all.
Using the many strategies and techniques that I share with you in this course, you will be able to do the following:
      • learn to bridge the gap between your public persona and your inner world.
      • learn how to once and for all let go and release those old stories that may be keeping you immobilized and stuck
      • learn how to shift into new supportive paradigms that propel you to excel
      • know how to master your self-talk and boost your self-confidence
      • change your inner game so that you shift and transform your inner thinking to being more supportive, encouraging, and empowering

Are you an accomplished talented capable #woman who struggles with Impostor Syndrome?
#Impostor #Syndrome
Your Kickass #Guide to #Recovery
#teachable #course